Unusual is the term that comes to mind to define those companies or individuals that do not have a presence on the Internet. Is there really anyone who is not on the Internet today? It would be hard to answer this question affirmatively. The fact is that we live in a highly digitalized and hyperconnected society, where everything is online. We get all our information from it; we use it for work, for relationships, for shopping, for investing, for falling in love… all through the Internet.
In this context, it is not surprising that companies have become aware of the importance of projecting their brand on digital channels. But some, the more astute ones, do not stop there and understand the multiple benefits of strengthening the projection of their brand with an authentic approach: they also invest in the strategic management of the image of their executives in the digital sphere, especially on LinkedIn, the professional platform par excellence.
Creating and managing a CEO’s personal brand involves a series of steps. At be shared, we have been developing personal branding strategies for digital spokespeople at major companies for more than 8 years, so we have a perfectly defined methodology with well-proven results.
Soil analysis
Before diving into the personal branding process, it is important to understand the context in which both the executive and the organization operate. Analyzing the industry, competition and market trends can provide essential information on which to build a fully customized strategy.
What sector does the company operate in and what are its specific characteristics? What are its future challenges? What kind of reputation does it have? What is its communication strategy?
Asking these and other questions will help us understand the environment and lend coherence to our personal branding strategy.
Stakeholder identification and prioritization
Once we know the environment we will be working in, it is time to identify and prioritize the CEO’s stakeholders. This will allow us to create a map that will help us to subsequently define the communication strategy, prioritizing certain messages over others. A well-defined personal brand not only addresses the general public, but also focuses on key stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders, public institutions, etc.
At this point, it is essential to understand the expectations and needs of each stakeholder group in order to tailor the CEO’s messages to each of them and build solid relationships that help establish one of the foundations of any relationship: trust.
Fingerprint evaluation
Communication is often a discipline with results that are difficult to measure. Analyzing the digital footprint of the executive, i.e. reviewing his or her online presence (social media, search engines, articles, interviews…) will help us identify areas for improvement and allow us to establish a baseline. From there, we can assess the evolution of the profile and make the results tangible.
Developing the positioning strategy
The analytical process will help us address the strategic approach. It is time to process the information gathered and develop an ad hoc positioning strategy that includes as many details as possible, both in the construction of the brand and in the subsequent communication. The elements that are usually included in this type of document are those typical of any corporate digital communication plan, but extrapolated to the personal field.
Communication management
Once the strategic baseline is fully established, it is time to start communicating. But first, the CEO’s LinkedIn profile needs to be optimized based on the criteria established in the roadmap. This is a fundamental part of branding, as in many cases this will be the CEO’s most visible online profile.
Only when we have a fully optimized profile do we begin to communicate and implement all of the actions included in the strategic approach, according to the timelines and guidelines previously established.
Monitoring as a key to continuous improvement
One of the most effective ways to learn and improve in any discipline is through trial and error. Communication is no different. Once we have launched the CEO’s communication on LinkedIn, it is wise to carry out a thorough monitoring so that we can take the necessary corrective measures to ensure that the profile evolves positively and that the results obtained in the future meet our expectations.
In summary, the creation and management of a leader’s personal brand is a comprehensive process, carried out in a personalized way, in which attention to detail, anticipation and observation skills are essential for understanding the environment and orchestrating an action plan capable of achieving the desired objectives. Optimal communication management by business leaders is a compulsory subject for all medium and large companies, who have the opportunity to reach their target audience in a transparent, approachable and, above all, human way.